Jakubowski Website:
www.jakubowski.nl E-mail:info@jakubowski.nl
Telephone:+31(0)26 325 06 32 Address: Landslag 28, 6852
DZ, Huissen, Netherlands.
Jewellery that initially
focuses on the viewer's senses. An investigation into inner movement, with
the emphasis on the combined action between design and choice of material.
The line pattern, which is full of playfulness, gaiety, moderation, simplicity
or richness makes the work very distinctive. Jewellery with a powerful aura! Born
in 1958 and brought up with Polish and Dutch norms and values. After having
gained several teaching qualifications, her interest for expressive arts and
design was still dominant. During the end of the eighties she decided to make
space for her love for art alongside her teaching activities. This resulted in
an exciting combination of the visual arts, design and the goldsmith's trade.
Work commissioned by companies and private individuals, exhibitions in her
home country, as well as in foreign countries, art events, cultural projects,
workshops and lectures in her studio or on location. Member of the Dutch
Designer's Guild (BNO) Participant of SIERAAD (JEWELLERY) 2006
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and silver ring with peridot | Silver
necklace with rock crystal | Gold
ring with two pearls |